Videos & Articles

Presentations by

Jacqueline Ho / ‘Undone Science in Singapore Sociology’

Cherian George / ‘The Tyranny of University Rankings and Bibliometrics’

Presentation by

Kirsten Han / ‘My Grandfather’s Information’

Presentation by

Alysha Chandra / ‘Shifting Centres: Understanding and Amplifying Independent Media Production’


Kirsten Han, Ariffin Sha and Alysha Chandra in conversation with Cherian George

Kokila Annamalai, Stephanie Chok, Debby Giam, Catherine Lim and Corinna Lim. Moderator: Chong Ja Ian

Ila, Kok Heng Leun, Tan Pin Pin and Jason Wee. Moderator: Joanne Leow

Closing remarks

Kirsten Han and Teo You Yenn

Text of Teo You Yenn’s remarks here.

MORE TO COME. We will post edited videos and articles as and when they become available. To make sure you don’t miss out, please subscribe to our monthly newsletter.